The Mac is a Mac Pro and was really expensive.
It was similar specifications to the 15” MacBook, but it was about 1/3 the price.
I got a machine that will allow me to upgrade the RAM to 32GB when I need it. My new laptop has a good i7 quad core, 4GB graphics GTX1050 and 16GB ram. When you get used to it, they both work fine. The struggle is learning where to find what you want, usually system preferences. I also like to use my windows machine, now that I have gotten used to it. I like to use my Mac, I like the interface. Some programs are the same whatever you use. So I tend to jump from machine to machine depending on the software that i want to run. Some software works better on the windows machine and some software works better on the Mac. I have a few more crashes on the windows machine, but as you can see from the data from Jim, the Mac is not immune to crashing. I have a Mac desktop for my office and I have a windows laptop for travel and webinars. Like substandard Outlook functionality on the Mac. There are certainly other variations related to system integration aspects, printing has been a common one, but network access and your other programs also play into it all. The Win platform uses the extended desktop concept but MAC is migrating to second/3rd desktop concept with multiple screens. This is the case with 2013 and may have improved. Multi-screen functionality has change in the past few years on the MAC too, used to be that one could have a second screen with palettes on it to leave the primary screen solely for the drawing area but changes have resulted in unresponsive activation of tools if they are not on the same screen shared with the drawing environment. Typing pi, degrees, diameter, approximately equal, delta, jot are simple extended keyboard functionality on the MAC but require the character viewer on Win10 without a helper app because ALT+ sequences do not always bring up the expected character. If you are accessing anything more than the a basic american/roman character set the Win10 will require a support application to get any real amount of work accomplished. On a Win platform if the capslock is on the shift key will switch to lower case not so on the MAC. If you are adding or editing significant quantities of text you should explore the interface of each before deciding upon which functions best for your use.